Voice of America. Giving a comment about the status of Russian culture in the world and in U.S. academia in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Voice of America. About our Moving Lyrics project with Olga Lvoff. To learn more about the project, click here.
RTVI. Discussing the status of the Russian language in the U.S.
Voice of America. My comment on the Russians' cultural stereotypes about Americans.
RTVI. Discussing affirmative action in American universities.
RTVI. Discussing the possibility of free higher education in the U.S.
Kul'tura [Culture] (Russian national culture channel), participating in the intellectual TV show Apokrif. Topic: the problem of love in culture and art.
Kul'tura [Culture] (Russian national culture channel), participating in the intellectual TV show Apokrif. Topic: the problem of widowhood in culture and art.
Kul'tura [Culture] (Russian national culture channel), participating in the intellectual TV show Bol'shie. Topic: the value and nature of poetry.